Installation Work

Visor for air conditioner: protection options, overhang arrangement

Visor for air conditioner: protection options, overhang arrangementInstallation Work

The outdoor unit and the compressor - the most expensive part of the air conditioner. They are located in an area most prone to mechanical damage. To protect the external module and interconnect co...

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An antifungal agent for the walls: a comparative review of the best options

An antifungal agent for the walls: a comparative review of the best optionsInstallation Work

Mold on the walls - a frequent phenomenon in modern homes and apartments. Spore formation multiply very quickly and if you do not take drastic measures to remove them, the fungus will move on the c...

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Ventilation in the sauna: examples of correct schemes of arrangement and analysis of the rules

Ventilation in the sauna: examples of correct schemes of arrangement and analysis of the rulesInstallation Work

Bath at the site - the construction of extremely useful: with friends to sit and heal the body. But that the effect was maximal need good ventilation in the steam room.If during the construction of...

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Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation: working principle, circuit and installation rules

Hoods for the kitchen with a tap into the ventilation: working principle, circuit and installation rulesInstallation Work

In the process of cooking food filled with steam and the smell of food. All of this is absorbed into the walls, headsets and adversely affects the well-being of people in the room. Fill your room w...

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Fans for exhaust in the bathroom: how to choose the right setting rules +

Fans for exhaust in the bathroom: how to choose the right setting rules +Installation Work

Provide a comfortable microclimate bath and shower room is problematic. The increased level of humidity has a detrimental effect on the cabinets, mirrors and pillars, helping to breed mold.If natur...

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How does the extractor fan in the garage: popular circuit technology and proper arrangement

How does the extractor fan in the garage: popular circuit technology and proper arrangementInstallation Work

Garage - space relatively small, but its arrangement should not be treated casually. It must protect the vehicle from external influences: weather, theft, etc.But inside you need to create a useful...

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How to choose and install a fan in the bathroom + how to connect the fan to the switch

How to choose and install a fan in the bathroom + how to connect the fan to the switchInstallation Work

forced ventilation device - one way to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the private house or city apartment. Simpler devices - fans - eventually were pushed split systems and air conditioners, ...

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How to assembly the passage through the roof ventilation: arrangement of roofing penetrations

How to assembly the passage through the roof ventilation: arrangement of roofing penetrationsInstallation Work

Withdraw the pipe on the roof - this task at first glance, it does not seem particularly difficult. But in practice, the node passes the ventilation through the roof should be done very carefully a...

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Connecting the air conditioner motor: diagram and procedure for connecting the fan motor of the indoor and outdoor units

Connecting the air conditioner motor: diagram and procedure for connecting the fan motor of the indoor and outdoor unitsInstallation WorkVentilation

The classic household (split) air conditioning system has several electric motors. Plus, manufacturers of this kind of equipment provide in advance for the execution of the connections of all elect...

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Ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house: rules of arrangement

Ventilation for a gas boiler in a private house: rules of arrangementInstallation WorkVentilation

The need to install a ventilation system extends not only to the rooms in which residents spend most of their time - bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens - but also to non-residential premises. Ventila...

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