A spider mite is a pest that parasitizes foliage and can live both on indoor plants and in the garden. A tick male reaches a length of 0.5 mm, whereas its female may be twice as large. These pest...
Read MoreRosehip is a well-known shrub that is found almost everywhere, with the exception of areas of the Arctic, deserts and semi-deserts. Since ancient times, this plant is harvested, used for culinary...
Read MoreAutumn work in the garden, including pruning currants in the autumn , characterized by the preparation of plants for the winter period, which lays the success of a good harvest in the new seaso...
Read MoreMany gardeners and gardeners grow currants on their land. But, for a good harvest to please for many years, you need to make a lot of effort. All varieties of currants are subject to various...
Read MoreIt is difficult to imagine a garden without currant bushes. Currant is a useful berry, which contains a large amount of beneficial vitamins and trace elements. There are several types of cur...
Read More. Currant has a low level of resistance to a variety of diseases.Shrubs often enough affect not only viral, but also fungal diseases.They reduce winter hardiness, which, accordingly, can lead to lo...
Read More. In order to get a good harvest, every plant, including gooseberry, should be given due attention. Caring for plants should be throughout the year. In this article we will talk about care for goos...
Read More. A bright decoration of the garden or garden area will bebarberry Tounberg. Below in the text, its advantages and disadvantages will be considered and the best varieties will be described.. . Ta...
Read More. Almost every adult remembers from childhood a pleasant taste of candy caramel called "Barberry". This sweet is named after the shrub of the same name, which recently became popular among gardener...
Read More. "White dog rose, wild rose horticultural garden roses is sung in the famous theme from the rock opera "Juno and Avos". Poet Andrei Voznesensky and composer Alexei Rybnikov romanticized this uniqu...
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