Content1 Proven popular recipes1.1 5 recipes for white things1.2 5 recipes for non-ferrous materials2 Clean furniture and carpet3 FinallyYou do not know how to get the stain from red wine? Until re...
Read MoreContent1 Rules clothes cleansing special detergents2 Folk remedies to get rid of stains2.1 Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide2.2 Method 2. Lemon juice and soda2.3 Method 3. Alcohol2.4 Method 4. Toothpaste...
Read MoreContent1 Self-whitening woolen clothes1.1 Folk remedies: 5 recipes1.2 special funds2 yarn bleaching3 TotalIn the wardrobe of fashionistas most always find at least one thing wool. This material has...
Read MoreContent1 Preliminary preparation2 We deduce grease yourself2.1 6 recipes from fresh stains2.2 6 recipes from stuffy spots3 FinallyI know from experience that no matter how tried to be careful, some...
Read MoreContent1 Methods of getting rid of moldy fungus1.1 Means 1. Laundry soap1.2 Means 2. Peroxide1.3 Means 3. sal ammoniac1.4 Means 4. Domestos1.5 Means 5. a piece of chalk1.6 Means 6. Turpentine and w...
Read MoreContent1 Stage 1: Preparing the wash cycle1.1 Decide with means for washing1.2 If an item sheds1.3 Means for white things2 Step 2: Wash2.1 Features washing machine2.2 Hand wash: 5 Rules3 Phase 3: D...
Read MoreContent1 First aid2 The right approach2.1 Option 1. Loyalty cleaning2.2 Option 2. chemical cleaning3 SummaryTraces of correction fluid stubborn, but to cope with them as possible!Finding a spot on ...
Read MoreContent1 types of materials2 Wash2.1 Method 1. Machine - machine2.2 Method 3. dry-cleaning3 OutputThe washing machine can wash even homemade blankets, but you need to know a few nuances, not to spo...
Read MoreContent1 rules cleaning2 Getting rid of iodine2.1 5 popular recipes2.2 4 chemical agents3 TotalDo you think that iodine stains - the sentence for clothes, it remains only to throw out? I will try t...
Read MoreContents of the article Preparing leather pants for washing If you need to wash your pants completely Ways to clean a specific area Leather clothes in the war...
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