
Earthworms - breeding them for the production of vermicompost

Earthworms - breeding them for the production of vermicompostGarden

Biohumus is a natural natural organic fertilizer. This is one of the safest fertilizers we use. This is the end product of the decomposition of organic matter, which is provided by earthworms. Mo...

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The gardener's horoscope - summer resident and zodiac sign

The gardener's horoscope - summer resident and zodiac signGarden

Horoscopes make up literally for any reason. Here you have one more - a gardener's horoscope. Treat it with a bit of humor, but think about it. Suddenly it is he who will give the answer, why are...

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The composition and use of fertilizer diammofoska garden

The composition and use of fertilizer diammofoska gardenGarden

Mineral fertilizers are an important plant nutrient. The most convenient complex complex, including a set of chemical elements, which are combined with each other. In this review we will talk a...

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Detailed description and characteristics of the Belarusian cabbage variety

Detailed description and characteristics of the Belarusian cabbage varietyGarden

The Belarusskaya cabbage variety has a long history and is gaining more and more lovers. For more than seventy years, gardeners and large agrarian enterprises have relied specifically on this var...

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What to plant in the garden in the second half of summer on the vacant beds

What to plant in the garden in the second half of summer on the vacant bedsGarden

One of the principles of gardening: we harvest the first crop - we prepare the second. So what to plant in the garden in June-July-August after harvesting vegetables, for example, after radishes?...

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Proper cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke and how it is useful

Proper cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke and how it is usefulGarden

Indians gave the world a lot of vegetable crops: corn, tomatoes and potatoes. Among them is the topinambur family. In XVII, this root vegetable saved Canadian immigrants from starvation. And afte...

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Garden Works Calendar Overview

Garden Works Calendar OverviewGarden

All gardeners are divided into three groups: some do not believe in any calendars at all and work in the country when they are comfortable;the second ones faithfully believe the instructions of...

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What is kale redbor f1 and its cultivation

What is kale redbor f1 and its cultivationGarden

Kale or redbor - the choice of those who appreciate not only taste, but also beauty. It is rich in flavonoids, dietary fiber and vitamin C. It has a bizarre appearance, making it an excellent dec...

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Calendar of planting vegetables in open ground in the Kuban

Calendar of planting vegetables in open ground in the KubanGarden

I bring to your attention a calendar of planting vegetables in open ground. Specific dates of planting seedlings and sowing seeds in open ground compare with the lunar calendar gardener. ...

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What is vermicompost and how to use it in the garden

What is vermicompost and how to use it in the gardenGarden

In gardening, fertilizers are often used to increase yields and improve the quality of garden crops. Preference is given to natural species without chemical additives. Biohumus is mainly isolated...

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