Cucumber - one of the most popular crops, which is in demand among the population all year round. For planting, development and abundant fruiting of cucumbers, they need a certain microclimate, w...
Read MoreTomatoes - a culture demanding on top-dressings and fertilizers, so you should pay special attention to this issue to get a rich harvest. Is it possible to fertilize them with poultry( chicken) d...
Read MoreUndoubtedly, any type of pumpkin has a rich vitamin composition and other valuable properties. However, among the culinary specialists, the muscatel is particularly popular due to its nutritional...
Read MoreWhen choosing seeds for growing cucumbers in the new season, many gardeners prefer the same varieties. And in vain! Among the existing species there are plants that have a lot of advantages, for ...
Read MoreThe history of beans is almost 7 thousand years. It belongs to the legume family, currently more than 250 species are known, but about 20 of them are most often used, including climbing ones. Cul...
Read MoreBean plants, which are known to man today, account for nearly ninety species. Black Bean is considered to be a unique, but little-spread legume. Its useful and harmful qualities are somewhat di...
Read More. Each beginner summer resident, grown cucumbers in his backyard, dreams to collect a rich harvest, but not everyone gets it. To obtain a generous harvest, it is necessary to observe the basic rule...
Read MorePumpkin is a useful and beautiful garden crop. Fruits contain many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber. There are several varieties of vegetables grown on garden beds. Today we wi...
Read MoreThere are not so many plants in the world that can feel great both on the summer cottage and on the window sill. And at the same time, they not only serve as an excellent decoration of the room, ...
Read MoreInitially, young garlic was found in the wild state, today it is grown in vegetable gardens. It is believed that the onion culture is endowed with miraculous magical powers. There are three main ...
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