
Use of ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate

Use of ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrateGarden

Ammonium Nitrate( other names: ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate) is a chemical that is used in industry and agriculture. For farmers, this mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Many ga...

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Proper planting and cultivation of green beans in open ground

Proper planting and cultivation of green beans in open groundGarden

Asparagus beans, at first, did not spread to gardeners. But it is completely in vain. Over time, people realized that tender pods of this sort can be used more in cooking than simple ones. Althou...

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Top 5 White Cucumber Varieties

Top 5 White Cucumber VarietiesGarden

At the mention of cucumber, in the head emerges the image of a crisp and juicy green-skinned vegetable. But white cucumbers are a bit unusual to see both in the garden and on the table. But thi...

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How to make a greenhouse for peppers do it yourself

How to make a greenhouse for peppers do it yourselfGarden

Harvest juicy vegetables will delight every farmer who worked on the land. For a long time, greenhouses and hotbeds have been used to protect plants, because no one is immune from frost or droug...

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3 ways to permanently get rid of horseradish in the garden

3 ways to permanently get rid of horseradish in the gardenGarden

When we plant horseradish in our garden for the first time, we don’t think about how things can turn. At first, this is just a plant that will allow you to add spiciness and peppercorns to your d...

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The benefits and harms of lettuce leaf salad

The benefits and harms of lettuce leaf saladGarden

Lettuce Lettuce - one of the main salad plants, characterized by great popularity among gardeners all over the world. Since ancient times, it has already grown Chinese, Egyptians and Persians. Ea...

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Instructions for use of the drug baikal em1

Instructions for use of the drug baikal em1Garden

Baikal EM-1 is not a fertilizer in the traditional sense of the word. It is a concentrate of beneficial microorganisms that improve the soil and contribute to the development of plants. The lette...

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Detailed description of cabbage variety Parel f1

Detailed description of cabbage variety Parel f1Garden

This white cabbage hybrid is bred in Holland, registered in the public registry in the nineties. Culture is popular, suitable not only for breeding at the dacha, but also brings good benefits in ...

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What to do if cabbage seedlings stretched out and how to save it

What to do if cabbage seedlings stretched out and how to save itGarden

Cabbage( broccoli and cauliflower) - one of the most favorite vegetable crops gardeners. At any dacha, you can certainly find a bed of good, good cabbage. It is necessary to grow it in an open gr...

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Proper cultivation of kale cabbage seed

Proper cultivation of kale cabbage seedGarden

In the world there are a huge number of varieties of cabbage. Of course, they all differ in their taste and decorative qualities. Some bring great benefits to the body and even help cure certain ...

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