Drainage Systems

Wall drainage of the foundation: technology and device diagrams

Wall drainage of the foundation: technology and device diagramsDrainage Systems

Country areas with ideal hydrogeological conditions are extremely rare. Basically they come with natural flaws, which can and must be dealt with. So, to combat the groundwater and flood water, wal...

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Drainage scheme around the house: types and design rules

Drainage scheme around the house: types and design rulesDrainage Systems

Removal of groundwater and stormwater from the basement will significantly increase the service life of the capital building and country-house construction. The drainage system, simple in the devi...

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Drainage device around the home: make the system with their own hands

Drainage device around the home: make the system with their own handsDrainage Systems

The drainage system is designed to protect underground structures from the effects of groundwater. We need it in areas with complex hydrogeological conditions, among which we include the majority o...

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Drainage area with your hands: the construction of various types of

Drainage area with your hands: the construction of various types ofDrainage Systems

In areas where it is very close to the surface of the deposited layers of groundwater and impressive falls during the year rainfall, there is a natural soil waterlogging, washing away the foundatio...

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The slope of the drain pipe: how to calculate the drainage on the slope

The slope of the drain pipe: how to calculate the drainage on the slopeDrainage Systems

Flawlessly designed and correctly calculated drainage will take and collect the ground water from the site. It will protect the foundation from premature failure, ensure the normal growth of crop p...

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Drainage foundation of the house with his own hands: how to make

Drainage foundation of the house with his own hands: how to makeDrainage Systems

Ground water has a negative impact on underground structures. Most of it "gets" the foundations and basements. The first is gradually eroded and lose the necessary strength, the second - are floode...

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Drainage project site: rules of design + choice of location, slope, depth, elements of the system

Drainage project site: rules of design + choice of location, slope, depth, elements of the systemDrainage Systems

Piping system and trench constructed with the purpose of removing excess moisture from the area called drainage. The collected water from the entire output to storage or discharged into the ditch l...

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How competently to make the drainage of a garden site with his own hands: dismantle the correct arrangement of the technology

How competently to make the drainage of a garden site with his own hands: dismantle the correct arrangement of the technologyDrainage Systems

Some owners of private homes, gardens face the problem of soil flooding as a result of rainfall or groundwater impacts. To avoid such a situation, the whole area of ​​the drainage system installed,...

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Laying drainage pipe with his hands: a step by step instructions + analysis of the nuances

Laying drainage pipe with his hands: a step by step instructions + analysis of the nuancesDrainage Systems

Called drainage pipe system intended to remove excess fluid from the plot. It is necessary to develop, if underground aquifers too close to the surface or there is a risk of flooding the area durin...

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Surface drainage on city streets: types, purpose, arrangement

Surface drainage on city streets: types, purpose, arrangementSewerageDrainage Systems

The drainage of rain runoff from the streets is one of the sore points for residents of many cities. A light rain has passed, and you can't reach the entrance - a huge puddle has formed on the way....

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