. Honey from cotton, which is also called "white"is often found in Central Asia, where the honey grows. This plant not only gives us a wonderful material for clothes - cotton threads, but also trea...
Read More. Currant has a low level of resistance to a variety of diseases.Shrubs often enough affect not only viral, but also fungal diseases.They reduce winter hardiness, which, accordingly, can lead to lo...
Read MoreThe content of the article: Characteristics of birch sap How to treat birch sap The correct methods of collecting birch sapVideo about the benefits of birch juice . In the spring, villagers...
Read MoreThe content of the article: Preparation of berries for conservation Strawberry jam cooked in three sets Strawberry jam Strawberry jam - five minutes Jam-jelly from strawberry Raw strawberry jam ...
Read MoreThe content of the article: Types of diseases of apple trees Black Cancer Scab Powdery mildew Fruit rot How to deal with cancer of apples - video . Rust on the apple tree leaves, as well as ...
Read MoreThe content of the article: Chemical compositionHigh content of vitamins Therapeutic effect of cranberries Diabetes care Treatment for cystitis Prophylaxis of dental and heart diseases Normaliz...
Read MoreReduced work efficiency, a constant feeling of weakness in the body, increased nervousness, a regular desire to take a nap are often the result of insufficient air exchange. However, these problem...
Read More. All beekeepers meet with such a phenomenon as swarming of bees. It occurs for many reasons. Some experienced beekeepers argue that swarming can not be tolerated. But, if it really happened, then ...
Read More. "White dog rose, wild rose horticultural garden roses is sung in the famous theme from the rock opera "Juno and Avos". Poet Andrei Voznesensky and composer Alexei Rybnikov romanticized this uniqu...
Read More. Apricot is a tree that is characterized by very intensive growth. In connection with this feature, the growth of the crown is very rapid, which can adversely affect the condition of the whole pla...
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