Many gardeners use a seedling method for growing cucumbers to get an early harvest. Anxious care for seedlings does not always give the desired result. One of the most common problems - the leave...
Read MoreThe spring period for any plant is considered important because of the beginning of the vegetative process. The normal development of young shoots is the key to a generous harvest. Special attent...
Read MoreSweet pepper The ox-ear is one of the most popular and popular varieties grown by Russian gardeners on their land plots. Designed for film greenhouses and open ground, it gives good yields in a t...
Read MoreA person who tries to eat properly to maintain health always includes a large amount of vegetables, fruits and greens in his diet. Parsley refers to this type of herb, the beneficial properties o...
Read MoreFor a gardener, the garden should be cost effective. Planting, growing vegetables and fruits is beneficial when we get high quality crops in a short time. High quality vegetables, fruits - this i...
Read MoreOnion is an indispensable vegetable in the kitchen. It is used to prepare culinary dishes almost every day. Before applying it is necessary to "undress".Onion peel is sent to the garbage can, as ...
Read MoreThis vegetable has long been grown in Russia, is one of the important products in the preparation of a huge number of dishes. Previously, cabbage was fertilized with organic matter, but today, af...
Read MoreNitrophoska - the most popular plant food. It is a mixture of( tuk) nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, vital minerals for all crops. The use of fertilizer nitrophoska improves soil structure and...
Read More. The earth, endowing us with generous harvests of fruits, vegetables, cereals, is greatly depleted. Cultivated land - fields, orchards, garden plots and country plots - do not have the opportunity...
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