
What is the right way to feed cucumber seedlings so that there are plump stems

What is the right way to feed cucumber seedlings so that there are plump stemsGarden

Any gardener, having decided to plant and grow cucumbers, thinks that the plants grow strong and healthy. And here it is important to note that if the soil on the site is sufficiently nutritious,...

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Spider mite on seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplant and how to deal with it

Spider mite on seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplant and how to deal with itGarden

Spider mite is one of the most dangerous pests of cultivated plants, their seedlings and indoor plants. It can affect crops in the garden, in the greenhouse and even in your home on the windowsil...

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The use of calcium nitrate( calcium nitrate) in the garden

The use of calcium nitrate( calcium nitrate) in the gardenGarden

Calcium nitrate is a chemical that can fertilize plants. In agriculture, it is usually referred to as calcium nitrate. There are other names for this substance: calcium nitrate, calcium nitrate, ...

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Detailed description of Kavili F1 zucchini

Detailed description of Kavili F1 zucchiniGarden

Zucchini Kavili is a welcome guest at each table, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that our body needs, especially in the winter. Also zucchini is very useful in diseas...

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Fertilization - rules, recommendations, terms

Fertilization - rules, recommendations, termsGarden

It seems that what is easier - fertilization in the soil. But here, too, it turns out, there is a kind of secrets, rules. So, they can not be made deep into the soil - from 30 cm and more: in t...

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Characteristics and description of the variety Lukhovitsky cucumbers f1

Characteristics and description of the variety Lukhovitsky cucumbers f1Garden

In the post-revolutionary years, agriculture began to be actively developed in the Oka River area. Owners of small plots noted that they receive the maximum yield from the cultivation of cucumber...

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Detailed description and characteristics of cucumber Amur f1

Detailed description and characteristics of cucumber Amur f1Garden

Cucumbers are the most popular garden crop in the world. The growing demand for cucumbers does not allow breeders to stay in the invention of more and more new varietal varieties. Variety of veg...

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Proper cultivation of cucumbers in the open field

Proper cultivation of cucumbers in the open fieldGarden

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable in our country, so every gardener, regardless of the size of the plot, loves to grow cucumbers in his garden. But even with the same climatic features, the yield...

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Proper cultivation of Chinese cabbage Pak Choi

Proper cultivation of Chinese cabbage Pak ChoiGarden

An ancient vegetable crop - Pak Choi cabbage is rarely found on country beds. She is a close relative of Beijing cabbage, which has already become familiar to us thanks to supermarkets. The appea...

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Proper picking cucumbers at home

Proper picking cucumbers at homeGarden

Cultivating and picking cucumbers is an occupation that requires certain knowledge and skills, which has its own nuances. For planting this vegetable use two methods: non-seedling - germinated ...

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